Monday, May 9, 2016

Global Blogging Challenge #2

Something my house is there´s three working TVs. It's special because some people have no TVs. That´s why my house is special.

Image result for TVImage result for TVImage result for TV

Friday, May 6, 2016

Global Blogging Challenge #1

“I AM” Poem

I am Joey

I wonder if teleportation will ever exist 

I hear people talking

I see students using computers 

I want MONEY

I pretend to be a superman

I feel happy

I touch a computer

I worry when I riding my bike

I cry when I fall off my bike

I am Joey

I understand 1+1 = 2

I say my name´s Jeff

I dream jumping into lava

I try to be good at school

I hope I will create video games someday

I am Joey